Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bummer is Born

Wow! We are only a few weeks out from launch. What began as a drawing at the kitchen table that was shared with friends has turned into a business in just a few months. Bummer is the little character that started all of this, and man - does he have a life of his own!

In the following weeks, you will be introduced to Bummer and his Bummerisms TM.

Just in case you were wondering - a Bummerism TM is Bummer's unique perspective on the world, a perspective that you can wear. Who knows - he might say something that you've been thinking for a long time. So don't feel as though this is a one way street because we want your input, your thoughts and your opinions. Don't be shy.

So get ready to laugh, cry and be amazed as Bummer is born.

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