Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bummer on the Brain

These past few weeks have been both busy and exciting! Bummer is surely first and foremost in my brain, needless to say the imagination has been running wild. And so for today's post, I share with you all the bumrific chitter chatter I have come across these past couple of weeks. Enjoy.

Your Chummy Bummy,


Best of Urban Dictionary

1. A word describing the misfortune of something or someone.
2. A situation in which no desireable result can occur
3. A negative form of agreement.
4. A response used when the respondee couldn't care less about the topic at hand..

Friend 1: It appears tomorrow is my last day to live.
Friend 2: Bummer

Best of Google:
Promotional Poster for Indian film "3 Idiots"

Best of Facebook:

"I thought up a new word too. It describes someone who has no derrier. NASS. Lol"

Best of the blog-o-sphere:

"Pantsed by a Machine" from the now defunct:

Best of online thesaurus:

Just in case you needed a visual. We're somewhere
between effect and vexation. Which is actually a perfect way
to describe whatever is going on in the photograph above.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Another week closer

The past couple of weeks have seen multiple renditions of Bummer's final character in multiple colors, some looked great and some, ehhhh not so much. Overall Bummer is right there on being done. Things are really starting to move along as the final shirt selections are being made this week and the printers will be chosen by the end of the week. The website script and photo shoot are next on the list with some of the basics already in process. We have chosen Melanie Lee for our first photo shoot and locations of the shoot are to be announced. Mona mentioned at the end of this week that we should write a book on the entire starting a business process and I almost said yes, but I don't know that anyone has been taking notes up until this point. The designs of the shirts are going to be a blast, everyone that has seen them has laughed and enjoyed the lighter humour that BummmerWear is going to offer to the world.
We are always looking for fresh material. Sometimes it presents itself at the traffic light in the form of a biker who's pants are 2 sizes too small and sometimes presents itself through ideas from people throughout the country. So comment on this and give us some of your thoughts on what a little naked Butt can say to make you think, smile or just laugh uncontrollably. Here at BummerWear I will continue to "Bare it and Share it" until next time. Perry

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Can you tell a liberal from a conservative based on the underpants they are wearing?

"I guess I just to see the dark side of things. The glass is always half empty. And cracked. And I just cut my lip on it. And chipped a tooth." -Janeane Garofalo

You all remember it. G8 Summit. Italy. Barack Obama. Nicolas Sarkozy. Enter, young Brazilian beauty. Both men’s heads turn as said beauty strides past and up the stairs. The question everyone is asking – “Did he or didn’t he?” Better still, “What was he thinking?!”

These are exciting times to be living in. “Change” is what the people ordered, and the Obama administration has in many ways delivered! The economy, stimulus funding, and healthcare reform, are all hot button issues calling into question the role of government in the capitalist free market. Further compounding the people’s concerns are media reports of government mismanagement, and/or a Socialist agenda such as the ACORN scandal, the resignation of Van Jones, Cash for Clunkers, misappropriation of stimulus funding and inaccurate reporting of job creation, the enormity of bills passing in the House and the question of whether representatives are reading them before voting…the list goes on!

While the issues are in many ways disconcerting, public agitation and response to them has been overwhelming. In the Age of the Internet, information has become more accessible than ever, and as Social Media sites continue to develop, the court of public opinon is equally accessible. It is here that minute scandals such as the Obama bum glance or Pelosi’s lack of expression are given a voice, and why not? If we cannot find the humor, even on the “dark side of things,” how else are we to keep our sanity?!

With this in mind, I invite you all to visit, read, comment…..vent! Help us spread the smiles as we journey through “the dark side,” together. And remember, the force is strong with you.


Can you tell a liberal from a conservative based on the underpants they're wearing?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bummer is Born

Wow! We are only a few weeks out from launch. What began as a drawing at the kitchen table that was shared with friends has turned into a business in just a few months. Bummer is the little character that started all of this, and man - does he have a life of his own!

In the following weeks, you will be introduced to Bummer and his Bummerisms TM.

Just in case you were wondering - a Bummerism TM is Bummer's unique perspective on the world, a perspective that you can wear. Who knows - he might say something that you've been thinking for a long time. So don't feel as though this is a one way street because we want your input, your thoughts and your opinions. Don't be shy.

So get ready to laugh, cry and be amazed as Bummer is born.